Who is responsible for Identity Theft?

Under the current laws consumer must be resposible for identity theft because, when the credit card company sent you an email verification or requires you to confirm it, you should not trust it instead, you call to the company and clarify it if the email verification is true and they need your identification card so that, you will not be one of victims illegal scamming. The laws should not changed or stop it instead, the consumers must be changed their behaviors because, if they are not changed it there is a possibility that your personal information or credit card account will be scammed and when you account has been stolen you are blaming the company or the government.

As one of the consumers the government should punish the identity thieves of the law "scamming" or long long imprisonment so that it will not be happened again and to avoid this situation and no one will be victims of this crime. The international nature of internet should make a solution to traced this scammers or the identity thieves.

As an advise to the credit card holder if you receive an email verification don't trust it. First you call to the credit card company and ask them if they need your confirmation to avoid your account be scammed.

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